Amateur Radio Book Sharing - Holiday Season
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Posted by Jackson Chen
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Winner Announcement
The ARRL Ham
Radio License Manual ↓↓↓
1. From Cory S. to Brain B.
"I got this book as a present, after I had already purchased my
own study guide and passed the test. It's in brand new condition! You can do
it!" -- Cory
"I've wanted to get into ham radio operations since I was a kid...ive got my
life in a position where I can..but with having a almost 2 year old toddler and
and this covid 19 thing going on i only work part time and trying to pay my
bills and take care of my little one has made it hard on me...I really want a
book to study to get my license..would make me very happy. I would appreciate
all that you can do for me to help me along in getting my license and I thank
you very much." -- Brain
2. From Jack R. to Tony L.
"I bought this book right about the time I decided to get into the hobby and
earn my technician license. I used it along with to earn my tech
license. I learned most if not all of the basics required to pass the tech test
from this book. To the winner of this book.I wish you the best with starting
your journey in the wonderful hobby of ham radio. I hope this book provides you
with the information you need succeed in passing your technician license test.
Good Luck" -- Jack
"Our local HAM group NARA1 are such a great group of guys. I need to help out in
the best way possible, by taking the Level 1 exam and adding my name to the list
of able radio amateurs in our community. The ARRL License Manual is just what I
need. When I have finished, it will be passed to the next ham who needs it. " --
3. From Joseph V. to Joe N.
"I bought this to study for the General before I was licensed since I knew I’d
pass Technician easily. I passed General the first exam session and then passed
amateur extra on my second session a month and a half later. I hope this book
opens or expands the world of amateur radio for you as it do me. I hope this
brings you all the joy it has brought me." -- Joseph
"I currently hold a technician ticket and would like to upgrade to general in
order to expand my range of experience and work more HF. I own an HF radio but I
am unable to use it until I buy or build an antenna. My preference is to build
the antenna so I understand it’s function in a more complete manner. When I
obtained my technician rating my 10 year old daughter and I built my first
antenna for 2 meter / 70 cm and it worked perfectly. Fun lesson for old and
young people. I really appreciate the opportunity to have the materials needed
to gain knowledge and experience in ham radio. Passing on the knowledge from
experienced hams is one great aspect of this hobby. 73! KG7WPP "
4. From Tim P to Alex A.
"Used this manual to pass my General a few months back, hope it helps you pass
too! Your General license is in reach, go for it and im sure youll get it!" --
"As a Technician for 3 1/2 years i want and need to expierance all that Ham
radio offers.iam a man of little means atm, but in the spirit of ham radio
operators we adapt and create ArrlAntenna handbook and the general class lic
manual would be just what i need to fullfill my Bucket list ty 7 3 to all.
Most certainly, thank you for your generacity this program is and will inspired
many like my self to continue in this wonderful Hobby that educates and in many
cases safes lives thank you so much alex alonso 7 3 " -- aLEX
5. From Nariman F. to Charles
"I got it to study along with my radio prep so I can get my license AARL still
make the best book for getting your license." -- Nariman
"Just starting out with ham radios with my son who is in high school. Being a
new person to ham i am grateful to those that have helped me along my jurny. "
-- Charles
6. From Nariman F. to John H.
"I bought it with the intent to get my license but never did. I hope this helps
some one with passing their General license. " -- Nariman
"I have purchased radios from Radiodidy and have many now. But now I need to
obtain my licences to operate them legally.
Thanks to all of you who are participating In this give away. If there were more
people doing this very thing in different avenues of life, just imagine how many
people could advance themselves! Especially in times like these were every penny
has already been assigned to our debters! Thanks again for caring to get
involved!" -- John
Handbook for Radio Communications ↓↓↓
1. From John L. to S Gagne
"This is the reference guide for all
hams. Ham radio is a great hobby. I have given away 20 Canadian Basic Study
Guides to help new hams get their license. The ARRL handbooks contain a lot of
practical information in getting a station set and building antennas." -- John
"Heard good comment on this book and would like to certify by studying it. " --
S Gagne
2. From Harlan H. to
Robert B.
"Bought it for the projects and electronics theory. Have fun on the air!" --
"I was an electronics technician in the Air Force repairing & maintaining long
range radar sets. I love everything to do with radio communications and
electronics. I have a General Radiotelephone Operators license in addition to my
recent Technicians Ham Radio license.
My ham call sign is KC1OAB. Ham radio characteristics are much different than
radar. I like to read and learn new things!
What a great gesture for the ham radio community! Thank you so much!" -- Robert
3. From James K. to Lorrain, Paul M.,
Ronald M., Gerg and Eric H.
"I get handbooks every year, but I am running out of space. There’s lots of good
basic information in these books...and lots of great ideas" -- James
"My dad was a ham operator and I am interested in learning about it . Thanks for
your generosity in providing education for those who don’t have big money to
invest !" -- Lorraine
"As a new HAM (June 2020), I am interested in learning more about the physics
and phenomena that make radio so useful. Any of these titles would be helpful to
grow that knowledge. Thank you for the consideration.
Dear book provider,
Thank you for the willing contribution you are making to further not only my
knowledge of this hobby, but others as well. I learned a long time ago that one
of the best ways to learn something is to share that knowledge with someone
K9PVM - Paul"
"One can never get too much knowledge. If there's something to learn each day,
then don't ingore it. What ever I get is much appreciated. Thank you 😊" --
Ronald M.
"Licensed in May - so a newbie - looking to explore an learn all I can about
this hobby. Sure youtube has lots - but need a deeper/broader understanding.
Many thanks - and I hope to find this as informative as you may have, and down
the road I'll continue the interchange of knowledge with subsequent generation
to keep our Amateur radio craft relevant. Heartfelt thanks." -- Greg
ARRl Antenna
Handbook ↓↓↓
From John
L. to Andre P.
"Without an antenna the radio will work
not as advertised. Antennas are easy to make and will enhance your radios
enjoyment. Enjoy the antenna building and I will pass on the gift to a new ham
furthering the goodness." -- John
"I would like to get into satellite
tracking and building my own antennas would be my entry point. Thank you for
sharing your knowledge!" -- Andre
2. From William D. to William H.
"I purchased this book to expand my knowledge and understanding of antenna
theory. An excellent source of information in that regard. Hope you get as much
out of this great publication as I did. 73" -- William D.
"Thank you this book is gonna help us with many projects." -- William H.
Operating Manual For Radio Amateurs
1. From Michael B. to Don D.
"This book is a complete guide to Amateur Radio operating. It covers all of the
fun and exciting things about Ham Radio including contesting, DXing, emergency
communications, digital and satellite operations and so much more! This will be
a great addition to the library of a budding ham radio operator as they build a
station they are proud to operate!! Hey I hope this book brings you much joy as
you begin this wonderful hobby of Ham Radio!!! 73 Mike - N4STL"
"I have been a ham since middle school. I worked with Red Cross, AREC, and RACES
on emergency training and realities. I was quite proficient as a net control
operator. I have not been very active in ham radio over the past years while
raising my family. I want to get active again, but could use some coaching so I
don't trip over myself. I seem to be the prospective Elmer for several other new
hams in my area, but need a kick start myself. I love to read, and to apply what
I learn. Thank you for sharing of your knowledge through books, read and
assimilated. This helps keep the ham radio spirit of cooperation and working
together alive." -- Don D.
Supplies Explained ↓↓↓
1. From William R. to Leonard F.
"I purchased this book to gain a better
understanding of power supply theory. An excellent resource. I hope you get as
much enjoyment from this book as I did. " -- William
"I am a Lic. General and I live on St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands. I want to
learn about Antennas and power supplies so that I can help other Hams build
antennas to improve communications here in the Islands. The terrain is
mountainous, and comms are difficult at times, especially after storms that
destroys regular infrastructures. Ham radio becomes critically important to get
the assistance to where it is most needed, as early as possible.
I appreciate your willingness to share with other fellow Hams. This is what
Amateur Radio is all about...helping each other. Thank you, and May God's
Blessings be yours." -- Leonard
Amateurs of Canada Hamstudy Basic 2017/2018
1. From Andre P. to
"I bought the book in order to write my exams so that I could legally operate
the video downlink on my radio controlled aircraft. You're entering a lifelong
hobby with wonderful members." -- Andre
"I would like to get this book to be legally allowed to use the amature bands in
vhf. Thanks so much for this opportunity! This goes to show how open and helpful
this community is!" -- Phil
Do you have any ham radio books that are no longer used (antenna books, current study guides and other ARRL books covering different aspects of Amateur Radio)? We beg you have if you’re with a General or Extra class license. Do you want to exchange it for a new radio? It’s the time!
A: What and how many radios/rewards will I possibly get?
- Analog Radio | We recommend Radioddity GS-5B per person
- Digital Radio | We recommend Baofeng DM-1701 per person
- License-free Radio | We recommend Radioddity FS-T2 per person
- Emergency Radio | We recommend Raddy SW3 Emergency Radio per person
- Radioddity Ham Mug per person
- Any other radio/accessory we have (depends on our inventory) per person
- It would be much appreciated if you don't need a reward, we'll send you a Gift Card per person.
The quantity will depend on how many people involved.
Q: What will my books be used for?
A: Your books will be sent to the newcomers to the Amateur Radio Service, either helping them passing the license test or mastering more knowledge of amateur radio.
Q: How to process?
A: We’ll see how many books we can collect first, based on which we’ll make giveaways for people who need a certain book. Winners will be picked at random.
Q: Who would send the books to the winners?
A: Yourself. Due to the international shipping fee is super costly. We aren’t able to collect all the books and we need your help to send the book to the selected winner. We’ll share you with the winner’s shipping info.
Q: Okay. What can I get?
A: In return, those sharing with others will get free radio rewards from Radioddity. For those new to the ham world, they will receive books on areas of Amateur Radio they have an interest in, while being welcomed into the ham community. Indeed, it's the true ham radio spirit!
Q: How to redeem a reward as a book sharer?
A: When the book is shipped, and you provide the tracking information to Radioddity, your reward will be processed for shipment.
Q: What about different counttries?
A: We'll try our best to help match the right peroson & requirepemt for your book in the same country.
Q: What if my book isn't selected to send?
A: We thank you for your time and joining in. As apprecaition, we'll send you a $10 giftcard.
Q: I want to share a book! How to join in?
A: The sharing form is ended, we look forward to your next participation.
Mary Clore
I purchased 7 GS 5B units to give to family members as gifts, allowing a means of contact in case of emergencies, or internet/power outages. I am wanting to learn how to set up for the family members, before they get here, but the info is deep, and I have often fell into a rabbit hole of distraction, or complex detail that I am not familiar with. I would LOVE a book on Ham licensing test, and/or any book that will explain the details of how to best utilize these radios. Thanks in advance!
Mary Clore
(In Rural Indiana)
Daniel Roman
I would love to win a book because I’m brand new to ham license and I’m trying to take the test please help me I need all the help I can get
Paul Zenkowich
I would like to get a book to study for my general exam. Thank you! Paul